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COVID-19 and Vit D

Vitamin D deficiency can put you at increased risk for severe COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation and/or death!

Source: Grassroots Health
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Source: Grassroots Health
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Source: Grassroots Health
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Source: Grassroots Health
Source: Grassroots Health

 These images clearly show the link between higher serum vitamin D levels and protection against severity of COVID-19 infections. Vitamin D is a potent modulator of the immune system and plays a huge role in keeping the infection under control by the production of antimicrobial peptides; it is also known that vitamin D significantly reduces inflammatory markers and thus decreases the “cytokine storm”, the reason that most infected people deteriorate towards needing hospitalisations and ICU admissions.


It would be well advised for EVERYONE to know their Vitamin D blood levels as soon as possible and to bring it up to at least 40- 60 ng/ml to be able to benefit from it.


Please contact us to help you optimise your blood levels.


Vit D Supplement

Online Request Form
If you are interested in optimising your vitamin D levels for protection against COVID-19, please contact us by filling in the details below:

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Phone: 021 419 1888 / 021 691 0106

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The Vitamin D-Hormone Foundation is an Organisational and Personal Wellness Company that provides consultative services focusing on preventing diseases based on the latest medical science of Vitamin D and other hormones, as well the impact of nutritional deficiencies

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