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Weight loss Coaching and Support

Losing weight can often be a challenge – experience over the past few years has revealed that it may not be as simple as dieting and exercise alone, though very important, but that it needs a multi-pronged approach that needs to be implemented in tandem. From our research we can help you to lose weight successfully by applying the following approach as part of a continuous coaching support that addresses as many factors as possible at the same time.

Here is our Approach:

1. Establishing that being overweight is essentially a metabolic problem, linked to changing hormone levels, often worsening with age and that a comprehensive medical assessment is crucial for understanding what may be contributing towards the weight gain.


2. Important lab tests such as fasting insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen, progesterone, thyroid, vitamin D, urinary cortisol and screening for other nutritional deficiencies such as iron, folate, calcium and magnesium that may be contributing to your struggle with weight loss. 


3.  Guidance on understanding how stress worsens or sabotages weight loss efforts due to the role of elevated cortisol, and some very simple mindfulness and breathing techniques (Heart Rhythm Practice) that helps bring down these stress hormones. 


4.  Guidance on simple, practical exercises that does not require gym membership.


5. Guidance on the best approach to the use of Intermittent Fasting as one of the greatest contributors to successful weight loss, even while you sleep!


6.  Guidance on the use of prescription medication such as metformin in the management of insulin resistance for easier weight loss, appetite control and improvement of abnormal cholesterol levels.


7. Guidance on the use of well researched supplements such as Green Tea (EGCG), berberine, DHEA, and chromium, especially in combination with metformin.


8.  Continuous monitoring and encouragement, especially when and if you derail from the programme!

If you are interested in losing weight a lot easier, then please contact us for more information

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“ Checking for hormonal abnormalities is critical in the management of weight. Many struggle unnecessarily and often give up.  Simple blood tests can reveal what the problem is, and are often correctable.”

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The Vitamin D-Hormone Foundation is an Organisational and Personal Wellness Company that provides consultative services focusing on preventing diseases based on the latest medical science of Vitamin D and other hormones, as well the impact of nutritional deficiencies

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