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 Vit D and pregnancy and child health
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Source : Grassroots Health

 80 % +  of pregnant women are Vitamin D deficient!

Vitamin D levels greater than 40 (as compared to the population average of 25 ng/ml) reduce the risk of BOTH mother’s pregnancy outcomes and baby’s health outcomes.

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Achieving 40-60 ng/ml blood serum levels:

  • 59% lower risk of preterm birth

  • 60% lower risk of preterm birth in twins

  • Virtually eliminates pre-eclampsia

  • Supplementing up to 6400 IU/day is safe and effective during pregnancy & lactation

  • Reduction in many conditions of pregnancy – Gestational diabetes, bacterial vaginosis, post-partum depression

  • Reduction in the need for caesarean sections

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Benefits to baby:

  • 70% lower prevalence of common cold

  • 66% lower prevalence ear infections

  • 62% lower prevalence lung inflammation such as asthma

  • Improved language and cognitive development

  • Stronger muscles and bones

  • Reduction in type 1 diabetes ( if sufficient supplementation started from birth and maintained throughout childhood into adulthood )

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     It is during these crucial periods of growth that the body of the growing child requires increasing amounts of calcium and other bone support nutrients. It is important to measure and optimize the blood vitamin D levels to maximise calcium absorption and bone strength and density - this is the only window of opportunity to achieve maximum compaction of bone during their lifetime. Later life diseases like osteoporotic fractures are related to insufficient early childhood bone compaction.


If you are planning a pregnancy, it is crucial that both partners optimise their Vit D levels well before conception; but whatever the stage of the pregnancy, if you are pregnant and wish to optimise your vitamin D levels, please contact us for guidance and assistance.  Do remember that vitamin D supplementation should also continue after birth for both mother and infant. We guide the breast-feeding mother too.  Our aim is to create a society of people whose blood levels are optimised with the aim of preventing a multitude of diseases! Unfortunately many pregnant women go unmanaged in the current medical system.

Vit D Supplementation

To order Vit D supplements

Online Request Form
If you are interested in optimizing your pregnancy health and that of your baby's, please contact us by filling in the details below:

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Phone: 021 419 1888 / 021 691 0106

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The Vitamin D-Hormone Foundation is an Organisational and Personal Wellness Company that provides consultative services focusing on preventing diseases based on the latest medical science of Vitamin D and other hormones, as well the impact of nutritional deficiencies

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