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How we add value to your workplace through optimisation of vitamin D levels

It is well known that companies and organisations lose significant profits due to employee sickness. Consider the impact of seasonal colds and  influenza, tuberculosis, fatigue, chronic low back pain, depression and anxiety, uncontrolled diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension, complications of HIV, and cancers.


Research has shown that optimising the Vitamin D levels reduces the impact of these conditions. For example robust research available shows that correcting Vitamin D levels in females reduces the incidence of breast cancer by more than 80 %.


Optimising Vit D Reduces Incidence of Acquiring Flus by Nearly 40%

This figure shows the significant drop in the incidence of influenza when participants increased their intake of vitamin D to at least a blood concentration of 40 ng/ml.  Consider how this may impact the workplace in winter on an annual basis.

Source and acknowledgements:

Vit D Disease Incidence vs Serum Levels

Disease Incidence Prevention by Serum 25(OH)D Level

Image - Vit D disease incidence vs serum levels-1.jpg

Source with acknowledgements:

Low vitamin D levels associated with greater risk of acquiring TB

Research shows more than double increased risk for acquiring latent TB in those whose levels were lower than 30 ng/ml. Consider the implications of this in industries where TB is rife for example in the mining industry and the healthcare industry; also consider what the impact of this would be in those who are HIV positive, who have a propensity of acquiring TB

Source and acknowledgements:

Image - Risk of Latent TB by Vit D level  - Grassroots Health-1.jpg
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The Vitamin D-Hormone Foundation is an Organisational and Personal Wellness Company that provides consultative services focusing on preventing diseases based on the latest medical science of Vitamin D and other hormones, as well the impact of nutritional deficiencies

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