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Stop Smoking & Addiction support

Vitamin D supplementation supports Brain Neurochemistry in addictions

Vitamin D is a neurosteroid – and as such has an impact on the overall structure and physiological functions of the brain as it easily traverses the blood-brain barrier. Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to reduce cravings in smokers and those who are attempting drug and alcohol detoxifications by modulating dopaminergic processes and  the Reward Pathways of the brain.  Vitamin D greatly increases the enzyme Tyrosine hydroxylase, which converts dietary L-tyrosine to dopamine – by simply supplementing with both Vit D and L-tyrosine, the brain produces more dopamine, and therefore a reduction in the need for cigarettes, drugs or alcohol.


Source: Journal of Medical Hypothesis and Ideas (2013) 7, 35-39

If you are struggling with any kind of addiction (including wanting to stop smoking) and would like to optimise your vitamin D levels, and receive further brain support please get in touch with us to design your management programme. This can be used with any other treatment or programme you are already on with other professionals.

We believe that supporting the brain's physiology and biochemistry will greatly enhance any addiction programme, as well as significantly reduce withdrawals and cravings.

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The Vitamin D-Hormone Foundation is an Organisational and Personal Wellness Company that provides consultative services focusing on preventing diseases based on the latest medical science of Vitamin D and other hormones, as well the impact of nutritional deficiencies

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